Saturday, May 26, 2007


It's off to work I go... Yeah, and of all things, a sportswear promoter. Let's just say that I applied for shop assistant at Boulevard Hypermarket and Departmental Store, which just happens to also be where my dad works. But my dad helped (or hindered) me by getting me the not-so-physical genre of work which is 2 floors away from the supermarket. Now, I'm in charge of the Revsports counter. The first afternoon of work today saw me folding clothes endlessly and darting here and there trying to find clothes' sizes to satisfy my customers.

Well, the job is going to last 2 weeks... the length of the Gawai celebrations in Sarawak, during which all the Ibans go and get drunk, which leaves the Chinese and the Malays to pick up on the work.... since there aren't many Indians here in Miri. The only thing I find a bit awkward, yet which I am sometimes thankful for is that some people are treating me with special respect and concern due to my father's status in the company, at least at the executive level anyway. Ironically, I work on the same level as a cousin... whom I never ever considered a cousin cos his age is probably around double mine. But I admit that he's been helpful. I was first to report to the company office this morning because he noticed me outside the staff entrance this morning and brought me in. And the executive who interviewed me for work yesterday actually said hi to me today and offered to help me check where I was assigned to and when I could start. The staff in charge of briefing the new temporary staff also addressed me by name... It makes me wonder how far my father's influence extends.

On a lighter note, Nottingham University's Malaysia campus gave me an unconditional offer for Pharmacy. I want to go, but I understand that it will cost a lot.... which is not promising on the parental side of matters, since there's no scholarship to get me through this. I already qualified for a 25% cut of tuition fees. Which still amounts to RM 25000 per annum. As I told someone online, I would rather receive news of whether I got accepted into medicine in Australia while sitting in Nottingham Uni, not while sitting at home.

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